Saturday, September 29, 2012

Letters from Alvina Krause: To My Mother

When I visited my mother for Christmas 1973 (I was still calling it "going home"), she told me that she had written to Krause. She had written that she was thankful I had found Miss Krause; that she knew I needed to find someone who understood me and that I was "too deep" for her, my mother, to understand.
This is the letter Krause sent to my mother.

Dear Mrs. Downs,
Thank you deeply for writing to me! David has talked of you so much. Now I feel you are known to me in person.
We worked hard while David was here. I think no one realizes how difficult, how almost impossible, David's job at NU is. Knowing the pitfalls, I recommended him for the post with great anxiety. David is a gifted young man, but his gifts still need support and direction. I am resolved to do all I can to help him in this difficult situation. I believe he can become a great teacher, and great teachers are rare. I should like you to know that I will do all that I can for him.
Sometime we must meet.

Alvina Krause